How to Use Wall Sconces

How to use wall sconces

Wall sconces can serve several important purposes in your overall lighting and decor scheme, so they should never be overlooked! With the ability to direct light into the room at face level, wall sconces are helpful for filling in the gaps when another fixture, such as a chandelier, doesn't provide quite enough light.

These fixtures are also particularly useful for providing in a space where ceiling fixtures don't work well, like a stairwell with a slanted ceiling. In the bathroom, placing wall sconces on either side of the vanity helps even out the light emitted by the bath bracket, eliminating unsightly shadows.

Wall sconces originate from wall-mounted candlesticks that were used to illuminate rooms and corridors in pre-electricity times, but can be just as useful in lighting today's homes. The traditional candelabra-style wall sconce is still quite popular and looks very stately, but the number of styles available today is unprecedented. Open candelabra styles provide an open, direct brightness, but wall sconces with opaque glass shielding (think half-moon or urn style sconces) create a warm, pleasant glow.

Because wall sconces can suit virtually any purpose, from general lighting to task lighting to simply decoration, consider the space you are looking to light. Then ask yourself:

Does this space need more light or simply a boost of style?

There are plenty of options available for both. If the wall sconce is to be used for ambient or general lighting, choose a piece with an open candelabra or a clear glass casing. Other glass options include opal, textured and tinted.

Am I using this wall sconce to accentuate a feature in my home?

There are certain types of wall sconces, such as picture lights, that work great for accent lighting. Consider the positioning of the accent piece you are looking to highlight. Wall sconces can cast light up, down or all around, so your options are limitless.

Can I use a little extra light to reduce eye strain?

Wall sconces, especially wall lamps, are great for task lighting to reduce eye straining in places where certain tasks, like reading, are performed.

A few more helpful tips:

Most wall sconces are mounted 6 feet above the floor. (Read our guide to light sizing to get even more tips for putting sconces in the right place!)

Avoid placing fixtures with sharp edges where people might bump into them. If you have small children living in your home, it may be best to avoid sharp edges altogether. Fixtures that are ADA-compliant are a good choice for eliminating this danger. Designed for people who use wheelchairs, they are allowed to extend no further than four inches from the wall and often feature soft, rounded edges.

Some sconces do not mount at the center due to the location of the backplate. If this applies to the sconces you've chosen, be sure to communicate this to your electrician or installer before they are installed!

Need more advice? Give our trained lighting specialists a call at 1-866-688-3562.

Emma Harger-Young - Lights Online